Rankin and Mingle Dentistry dentist in Aurora Colorado Dr. Jennifer Rankin DDS Dr. Michael Mingle DDS

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CAD/CAM aurora

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Most of the restorations and appliances used to restore and protect your mouth involve extremely high levels of customization. Traditionally, dental technicians spend hours crafting a single crown in a laboratory. With the adoption of more technology into dentistry, CAD/CAM in Aurora continues to grow in importance with unsurpassed benefits to you.

Computer-aided design (CAD) involves the design and creation of three-dimensional models for services such as crowns, veneers, onlays, inlays, and bridges with absolute precision. This technology creates dentures, mouthguards, and certain orthodontic treatments. Sophisticated software allows these highly detailed procedures to become more controlled than ever before.

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) sends the geometrical design data to an automated milling machine. This digital manufacturing process offers many enhancements for you, including:

CAD/CAM in Aurora

At Rankin and Mingle Dentistry in Aurora, we are committed to providing cutting-edge dental care through advanced CAD/CAM technology. By integrating this state-of-the-art system into our practice, we ensure that our patients receive precise, same-day restorations with exceptional durability and aesthetics. Our goal is to enhance both the efficiency and comfort of your dental experience while delivering long-lasting, high-quality results.